Lindy Hop Curriculum

Level 1 Beginners

Learn to Lindy Hop from scratch. No experience needed. No partner needed.

Start with any Level 1 Course. The Level 1 courses can be taken in any order. We offer one Level 1 course each month. You must sign up for the full course.

(Can’t make it to a course or want to try before you buy? We also have a Level 1 Taster Class every Wednesday. Start any time, walk-ins welcome.)

Level 1
6-Count Lindy Hop
3-week course

Starting from scratch, we will introduce you to the essentials of 6-count Lindy Hop. You will learn the basic steps and most important moves, so you can hit the dancefloor! For absolute beginners.

Prerequisite: none.

Upcoming courses: 8-22 October 2024, 7-21 January 2025


Level 1
8-Count Lindy Hop
3-week course

Starting from scratch, we will introduce you to the foundations of 8-count Lindy Hop. Learn the basic footwork plus a bunch of fun moves to get you social dancing. For absolute beginners.

Prerequisite: none.

Upcoming courses: 29 Oct – 12 Nov 2024, 4-18 February 2025


Level 1
Lindy Charleston
3-week course

Lindy Hop evolved from The Charleston in the 1920s and still includes many Charleston steps. Starting from scratch, you will learn the basics of Lindy Charleston. For absolute beginners.

Prerequisite: none.

Upcoming courses: 26 Nov – 10 Dec 2024, 11-25 March 2025


Level 2 Improvers

Level 2 courses can be taken in any order. We offer one Level 2 course each month. You must sign up for the full course.

No partner needed, we will rotate partners in class.

Level 2
6-Count Lindy Hop
3-week course

In this course you will practice the fundamental 6-count moves you learned in Level 1, and expand your repertoire with different hand grips, positions and more impressive 6-count moves.

Prerequisite: Level 1 6-count Lindy Hop

Upcoming courses: 29 Oct – 12 Nov 2024, 4-18 Feb 2025


Level 2
Swing Outs
3-week course

Swing Outs are the most important 8-count Lindy Hop step. Building on what you learned in Level 1, we will show you how to Swing Out, how to make it look good (including the iconic Swivels for followers), plus some must-know Swing Out variations.

Prerequisite: Level 1 8-count Lindy Hop

Upcoming courses: 26 Nov – 10 Dec 2024, 11-25 March 2025


Level 2
Lindy Charleston
3-week course

Practice the foundations of Lindy Charleston from Level 1 and grow your repertoire with more fun Charleston steps and clever transitions. Plus, begin to mix your 6-count Lindy Hop with your Lindy Charleston!

Prerequisite: Level 1 6-Count Lindy Hop, Level 1 Lindy Charleston

Upcoming courses: 8-22 October 2024, 7-21 January 2025


Level 3 Intermediate

Level 3 courses can be taken in any order. There are two Level 3 courses offered each month and you are welcome to take both.

For some Level 3 courses (marked as “Series”) you can sign up for the full 3 weeks, or drop-in to any single class (as long as you meet the prerequisites). Read the course description for details. 

Level 3
6-Count Lindy Hop
3-week series

In this 3-week series we will learn some more advanced 6-count steps and famous combos including Frankie Sixes and the Sugar Push with Swivels. Sign up for the whole series, or you can drop in to just one class (if you meet the prerequisites).

Prerequisite: Level 1 6-Count Lindy Hop + Level 2 6-Count Lindy Hop

Upcoming series: 26 Nov – 10 Dec 2024, 11-25 March 2025


Level 3
Mixing 6 & 8 Count Lindy Hop
3-week series

Mixing your 6- and 8-count Lindy can be daunting at first. In this series we’ll practice transitions & how to lead/follow different patterns. Sign up for the whole series or you can drop in to just one class (if you meet the prerequisites).

Prerequisite: Level 1 6-Count Lindy Hop, Level 1 8-Count Lindy Hop, Level 2 6-Count Lindy Hop, Level 2 Swing Outs

Upcoming series: 8-22 October 2024, 7-21 January 2025


Level 3
Lindy Charleston
3-week course

Let’s get kicking! Practice the Lindy Charleston steps you learned in Level 1 and Level 2 in fun new combinations, and polish your technique. We’ll also learn a challenging new position, Tandem Charleston. You must sign up to the whole course.

Prerequisite: Level 1 Lindy Charleston + Level 2 Lindy Charleston

Upcoming courses: 29 Oct – 12 Nov 2024, 4-18 February 2025


Sharon Davis - Swing Dancer

Level 3
Rhythm & Musicality
3-week series

Want to better understand the marvellous jazz music we dance to? Learn the musical structures in swing songs, play with cool rhythms and learn some classic break steps so you can respond to the music. Sign up for the whole series or you can drop-in to any class (if you meet the prerequisites).

Prerequisite: complete all Level 1 and Level 2 courses

Upcoming series: 25 Nov – 9 Dec 2024, 10-24 March 2025


Level 3
Turns & Spins
3-week course

Spins and turns are some of the most fun and impressive elements in Lindy Hop. We’ll give you iconic Lindy Hop turns, including the Texas Tommy, plus clear, easy-to-follow exercises to work on your technique. You must sign up for the full course. 

Prerequisite: Level 1 6-Count Lindy Hop, Level 1 8-Count Lindy Hop, Level 2 6-Count Lindy Hop, Level 2 Swing Outs

Upcoming courses: 7-21 October 2024, 6-20 January 2025


Level 3
Easy Fast
3-week course

Are you sitting out the fast songs? Let’s change that! Lindy Hop can be danced up-tempo with neither kicks nor triple-steps. Related to Charleston, Breakaway and other jazz age dances, these fun steps are great for dancing fast without breaking a sweat. You must sign up for the full course.

Prerequisite: complete all Level 1 and Level 2 courses

Upcoming courses: 28 Oct – 11 Nov 2024, 3-17 February 2025


Level 4 Intermediate-Advanced

Level 4 courses can be taken in any order. We offer one Level 4 course each month. 

For some Level 4 courses (marked as “Series”) you can sign up for the full 3 weeks, or drop-in to any single class (as long as you meet the prerequisites). Read the course description for details.

Level 4 Sugar Pushes
3-week course

Sugar Pushes are a marvellous vehicle to play with power, flow, rhythms and shapes.  Progressing from your basic Sugar Push we will elevate your style, build to more challenging variations and make you fall in love with this classic 6-count fundamental! You must sign up for the full course.

Prerequisite: Levels 1-3 in 6-Count Lindy Hop, Level 1 8-Count Lindy Hop, Level 2 Swing Outs, Level 3 Mixing 6 & 8 Count Lindy Hop.

Upcoming course: 6-20 January 2025


Level 4
Beyond 6 and 8 Count
3-week series

Once your 6- and 8-count moves start feeling solid and you can mix them in a social dance, you might realise that actually the counts don’t matter that much. In this series we move beyond the limits of 6- or 8-count patterns. Sign up for the whole series, or drop-in to any class (if you meet the prerequisites).

Prerequisite: Levels 1-3 6-Count Lindy Hop, Level 1 8-Count Lindy, Level 2 Swing Outs, Level 3 Mixing 6 & 8 Count Lindy.

Upcoming series: 3-17 February 2025


Level 4
Lindy Charleston
3-week series

Level up your Lindy Charleston! Building on your repertoire from Levels 1-3, we will learn more classic Lindy Charleston moves, improve your technique and play with different tempos. Sign up for the whole series, or you can drop-in to any class (if you meet the prerequisites).

Prerequisite: Levels 1-3 in Lindy Charleston

Upcoming series: 10-24 March 2025


Sharon Davis & Juan Villafañe

Level 4
Classic Breaks
3-week series

Break steps are flashy, fun and musically satisfying. In this series we will work on some more classic break steps that all Lindy Hoppers should know, including the Quick Stop, Chase and Glorias.  Sign up for the whole series or you can drop-in to any class (if you meet the prerequisites).

Prerequisite: complete all Level 1 and Level 2 courses, Level 3 6-Count Lindy Hop, Level 3 Mixing 6 & 8 Count Lindy Hop, Level 3 Rhythm & Musicality.

Upcoming series: 7-21 October 2024


Level 4
Turns, Spins & Rolls
3-week series

Now that you’ve got the fundamental turns & spins under control, let’s level up your Lindy Hop with more advanced turning moves including Redirections, Pop Turns and Barrel Rolls. Sign up for the whole series, or you can drop-in to any class (if you meet the prerequisites).

Prerequisite: Levels 1-3 in 6-Count Lindy Hop, Level 1 8-Count Lindy Hop, Level 2 Swing Outs, Level 3 Mixing 6 & 8 Count Lindy Hop, Level 3 Turns & Spins.

Upcoming series: 28 Oct – 11 Nov 2024


Level 4
Classic Footwork
3-week series

Fancy feet! Learn more about the history of Lindy Hop, as we show you stylish footwork variations and cool rhythms made famous by the legends of the dance in the original swing era. Sign up for the whole series, or you can drop-in to any class (if you meet the prerequisites).

Prerequisite: complete all Level 1 and Level 2 courses, plus Level 3 6-Count Lindy Hop, Level 3 Mixing 6 & 8 Count Lindy Hop, Level 3 Rhythm & Musicality.

Upcoming series: 25 Nov – 9 Dec 2024


Level 5 Advanced

Challenging classes for Advanced dancers. Sign up for a series of 3 weeks, or drop-in to any single class (as long as you meet the prerequisites).

Level 5
Teachers’ Choice
3-week series

Join Sharon Davis & Joel Bechet for an hour-long Advanced Lindy Hop class followed by optional practice time. This class is run in 3-week blocks, but every class is different, based on whatever is inspiring Sharon & Joel that week! You can sign up for a block of 3, or drop-in to any individual class (as long as you meet the prerequisites).

Prerequisite: complete Levels 1-4.

Upcoming series: 7-21 October 2024, 28 Oct – 11 Nov 2024, 25 Nov – 9 Dec 2024, 6-20 January 2025, 3-17 February 2025, 10-24 March 2025

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